So it is fall, or at least the beginning of fall, so what is that like? Well, the trees haven't begun to change yet, but in small clusters red spider lillies, or higabana in Japanese, start to bloom. In our town you can see a few bunches of these bright red flowers and when they first bloom it looks as though small fireworks have exploded from the earth. But it is not until you travel to Koma, about 1 and a half hours from Tokyo, that you see them in their true beauty.
There is no comparison to this sight, expect maybe the poppy fields of "Wizard of Oz" yet instead of making you fall asleep like the poppies in the movie, these fiery flowers awaken your senses with their vivid color and sheer volume. It as if someone has painted a beautiful country-side scene complete with babbling brook and green fields and then accidentally spilled red paint all over the canvas. Yet, these fields are no accident.
By far, my favorite part of the spider lilly fields is the dark bark of the trees protruding out of the velvety carpet created by the flowers. It is like seeing a humpback whale surfacing from the ocean and breeching the water. The trees are part of the field yet entirely different, complimenting yet breaking the overwhelming red produced by the flowers.